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2017 FSRA North Regional/City Championship & More

Hi all rowing families.

Here is the latest for the regattas this weekend. All rowers will be dismissed from class around 11:45, depart ESJ at 12, and arrive in Ortega around 12:30. The middle school kids will have their lunch at ESJ at their normal time. Upper school kids will need to bring a lunch and eat before 12:30. Your kids will take the same transportation they would normally take to the Boathouse to Ortega. The coaches will let the teachers know that your child will be leaving at 11:45. However, if your child is going to miss a test or quiz, they may want to communicate with their teacher to reschedule.

Once they arrive in Ortega, the upper school boats will practice and the middle school boats will prepare for their races. Middle school boat parent volunteers will set up the site starting at 12. We will have sandwich wraps, fruit, power bars, water and gatorades available for the kids at the site. Aronson Kagiliery will oversee the MS regatta. Thank you Aronson! Signup Geniuses have been sent out for Friday and Saturday. Please sign up! We really need you.

The MS races start at 2:30 and end around 4. After the races, the MS parents need to pack up the food and coolers and store them on the trailer. We can only leave out the tents, tarps & tables. The coaches won't dismiss the rowers until the site is cleaned up. It won't take long. The coaches know a number of rowers have a Fine Arts event at ESJ and will have to leave.

Middle school parents, if you leave your name tags on the magnetic board, we will bring them to the end of year rowing banquet. You are always welcome to take them home.

The US boat rowers will leave at 5pm to head to the Sawyer's house for a very special Pasta dinner. A very special Thank You to the Sawyer's for opening up their home to 80 teenagers. We still need volunteers to help at the pasta dinner. If you can help, please signup. The coaches will make sure everyone has a ride to the Sawyer's. We need one of the pasta dinner volunteers to come to the race site at 5pm and pick up a few kids to take to the dinner. Once you've signed up, let me know if you can help with driving too. Dinner starts around 5:15-5:30 and should be done around 6:45. They will text you if they are finishing up early. When you are ready to pick up your rower, please text them to come out. We want to try and limit the number of people inside; so it's not too overwhelming.

Pasta Dinner Address:

John & Elizabeth Sawyer

4607 Ortega Boulevard

Jacksonville, FL 32210

Middle School Race Schedule

Mixed Middle School 8+ 2:30pm

Middle School Girls 4x 3:20pm

Middle School Girls 1x 2:40pm

Middle School Boys 1x 3:30pm

Middle School Boys 2x 2:50pm

Middle School Girls 2x 3:40pm

Middle School Girls 8+ 3:00pm

Middle School Boys 4x 3:50pm

Middle School Boys 8+ 3:10pm

Saturday Cities info

Saturday the rowers will have staggered arrival times.

1&2V 8s at 7am

B4s at 7:30am

B&G 3Vs at 8am

Freshman 8s at 10am

At the end of the regatta, there will be a big trophy ceremony and group photo. As of right now, the rowers will go to the boathouse to unload the trailers.

Senior Recognition:

The Senior recognition will be at 11:30 during a break in the race schedule. We hope you can stay and watch. Its pretty cool.

I will send out a separate email with other information.

Go Eagles!!

Kim Sievert

Rowing Parent Coordinator


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